

About us

Inspire Insights to change the Universe, through connections and knowledge.

We are the push that was missing in the market to leverage your business and speed up your prosperity. The partnership to make your life and business even more successful and safer.

More than a Marketplace platform, we are the market research industry Ecosystem.

We believe in the potential of human relations and the free market, integrating cutting-edge technologies and innovations, such as: WEB 3.0, blockchain, Token, smart contracts, organizations and decentralized finance.

The meeting point for those who are looking for ideal Providers , educational materials in our Decentralized Community with intelligent and aggregating solutions for your daily lives.

Our mission is to make your life easier, through an advanced automation system that cuts down on bureaucracy in all processes, maximizing the potential of all parties involved in the ecosystem in a safe environment, where everyone wins. Always focused on the best experience for you and your company.

Sistema de pesquisa de mercado

Discover our way of doing business.

market research for all (mr4all)

Our DNA and Symbols

Sistema de pesquisa de mercado

Discover the elements that created our identity and DNA.

Sistema de pesquisa de mercado
Sistema de pesquisa de mercado

Decentralized Community

Sistema de pesquisa de mercado

Customers, Providers and Associations

Sistema de pesquisa de mercado

Scalability , Resonance and Radar

Main guiding element for the development of our brand symbol:


Once livable, the planet represents diversity, belonging, grouping and community. It is where the whole is expected to be found.

For semiotics, the planet is the easiest way to represent an ecosystem ,meaning implicitly its symbolization of diverse groups in a community.

The planet reflects plurality and also symbolizes the future, innovation, technology and pioneering spirit. Translating the creative insight into stepping or being where no one has gone before.

Inhabiting a new planet means hope and endless possibilities for growth and scalability. A new space, full of freedom, where everything is possible and accessible.

This is the planet that Market Research for All is a part of and invites you to inhabit it as well.

Our symbol represents a planet composed of three circles. The smallest, characterizes the expansion of the community, the intermediary retains the planet in its entirety, and the largest, is its ring in orbit.

The three circles also represent the relationship between customers, providers and associations. Together they build up the Ecosystem of our market research industry.

Our symbol represents a planet composed of three circles. The smallest, characterizes the expansion of the community, the intermediary retains the planet in its entirety, and the largest, is its ring in orbit.

market research for all (mr4all)

The three circles also represent the relationship between customers, providers and associations. Together they build up the Ecosystem of our market research industry.

Together they build up the Ecosystem of our market research industry.

Brazil: Rua Francisco Cruz, 515, São Paulo
USA: 35-38, Queens, New York City

2022 - Todos os direitos reservados