


As a condition for accessing and using the exclusive features on our website, You declare that you have read this Policy thoroughly and carefully, being fully aware, thus conferring your free and express agreement with the terms stated hereunder, including the collection of Data herein mentioned, as well as its use for the purposes specified below. If You do not agree with the provisions of this Policy, You should discontinue your access to or use of our Platform.

The purpose of this Policy is to show MARKET RESEARCH FOR ALL's commitment to the privacy and protection of your Data, in addition to establishing the rules on your Personal Data Handling within the Company's services and features scopes , aiming to mediate the process of buying and selling market research services in general. You, by using the platform www.marketresearchforall.com will create and share your briefing directly with the service providers and after choosing one, you will make the purchase. The purchase is based on the legislation in force, with transparency and clarity between You and our Providers.

Please do not register for Our Environments if you are under 16.
Although we prohibit the registration of children and teenagers under the age of 16, parents should supervise their underage children's online activities
The activities of teenagers older than 16 years and younger than 18 years should be assisted by parents or legal representatives.


1.1. How do we collect Data? Data, including name, ID, email, address, corporate name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) , may be collected when You submit them or when You interact with Our Environments and services, which include:

What do we collect?For registration on the website and search for the purchase process with the service provider.
Register Data
Full Name Identify and validate the individual who will use our search engine to spot potential providers.
IDComply with the obligations arising from the use of our services.
E-mailUpon making the purchase, receive confirmation by the Provider via email, as well as ensure the portability of the registration data to another Controller and formalize the services agreement contract with the provider, if requested by You, complying with the obligation of the article 18 of the General Law on Personal Data Protection. We will expand our relationship, Inform You about updates , features, contents (18) , news and other events that we consider relevant to You by email.
Date of birth(i) We use your date of birth to check if You are not a minor..
Phone numbers (v) Contact between Customer and Provider

Digital identification data
IP Address and Logical Gate (ii) Identify and validate You. Comply with the legal record keeping obligations established by the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for Internet - Law 12,965/2014.

(iii) Protect You using fraud prevention practices, credit protection and associated risks, in addition to complying with legal and regulatory obligations
Device (operating system version)
Time and date stamps every action You take
Time and date stamps every action You take
screens you accessed
session id

Questionnaire data
Questionnaire responses and optional surveys
(iv) We will send You a Satisfaction Survey to improve our relationship with our customers.
Payment data
Credit Card Number and Security Code, Pix, Bank Deposit and Bitcoin
Comply with legal obligations and our contract when sharing the Data with the third party responsible for processing the purchase payment.

1.2 Required data. Many of our services depend directly on some Data informed in the table above, such as the purchase process completion and payment process, mainly on your registration data. If you choose not to provide some of this Data, we may be unable to provide all or part of our services to You.

1.3 Data Updating and Veracity. You are solely responsible for the accuracy, veracity or lack of it and outdating regarding the Data you provide . Be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure accuracy or keep them up to date.

1.3.1 Likewise, We are not obligated to process or handle any of your Data if there are reasons to believe that such processing or handling may lead us to any violation of any applicable law, or if you are using Our Environments for any illegal purposes, unlawful ones or considered as contrary to morality.

1.4 Database. The database formed through Data collection is our property and is under our responsibility, and its use, access and sharing, when necessary, will be made within the limits and purposes of the business described in this Policy.

1.5 We do not use any type of solely automated decision that may harm You.

1.6.1 Technologies used. We use the following technology(ies):

(i) Cookies, it is up to You to configure your Internet browser if you wish to block them. In this case, some features we offer may be limited.

1.6.1 All technologies used will always comply with current legislation and the terms of this Policy. We implemented a variety of security measures to keep your personal information safe when you submit a payment, log in, send or access your personal information.

1.6.2 We offer the use of a secure server. All sensitive/credit information provided is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted in our Database being accessed only by authorized individuals, with exclusive access rights to our systems, to whom the confidentiality of information is mandatory.

1.6.3 We adopt best practices such as: HTTPS, TLS 1.2, Antivirus, Operation Log, Access Log, Strong Password Policy, Physical Access Control, International Standard Datacenter with Certifications such as ( ISO 22301, ISO 27001, ISO 9001:2015 , PCI DSS, SOC 1 Type II, SOC 2 Type II), Logical Access Control and Authentication, Access Profile, Disk Encryption on Database Servers.

1.6.4 After a transaction, your 33 (name, credit card, ID, financial data, etc...) will be stored for more than 60 days, in order to make it easier for you to contract services on our website, with no need to inform your payment details for each project you publish.


2.1 Assumptions of Data Sharing. Data collected and activities recorded can be shared:

(i) With competent judicial authorities, administrative or governmental authorities, whenever there is a legal determination, request, requisition or court order; and

(ii) Automatically, in case of corporate changes, such as mergers, acquisitions and incorporations.

1.1.1. Sharing Data with Third Parties: We do not sell, trade or transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties, we will only mediate the relationship with Providers. Your Data will be shared only with the Provider chosen by you to complete the purchase process, as well as the formalization of the Service Agreement. This does not include trusted third parties that support us in operating our website, driving our business or serving you, as long as the parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also disclose your information if we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect our or others' rights, property or safety.

2.1.1. Third Party Links: Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third-party websites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked websites. However, we seek to protect our website integrity and appreciate any feedback about those websites.

2.2 Data Anonymization. For the purposes of market intelligence research, data disclosure to the press and advertisements, the data provided by You will be shared anonymously, that is, in a way that does not allow your identification.


3.1 Passwords sharing . You are also responsible for the confidentiality of your Personal Data and should always be aware that sharing passwords and access data violate this Policy and may compromise the security of your Data and Our Environments.

3.2 Precautions. It is very important that You protect your Data against unauthorized access to your computer, account or password, and also ensure that you always click “exit” when ending your browsing on a shared computer. It is also crucial that You know we will never send either emails requesting data confirmation or with attachments that can be executed (extensions: .exe, .com, among others) or even links to unreliable downloads.

3.3 Access to Personal Data, proportionality and relevance. Internally, the Personal Data collected is only accessed by duly authorized professionals, respecting the principles of proportionality, necessity and relevance for our business objectives, in addition to the commitment to confidentiality and your privacy preservation under the terms of this Policy.

3.4 External Links. When You use Our Environments, You may be led, via a link to other portals or platforms, which may collect your information and have their own Data Handling Policy.

3.4.1 It is up to you to read the Privacy and Data Processing Policies of such portals or platforms outside our environment, and it is your responsibility to accept or reject them. We are not responsible for the Privacy and Data Processing Policies of third parties or for the content of any websites and/or services linked to environments other than our own.

3.4.2 Partner services. We have business partners who may occasionally offer services through features or websites that can be accessed from Our Environments. The Data provided by You to these partners shall be their responsibility and subject to their own data collection and use practices.

3.5 Processing by third parties under our guideline. If outsourced companies conduct the Processing on our behalf of any Personal Data we collect, they will comply with the conditions stipulated herein and the information security standards, mandatorily.

3.6 Email Communication To optimize and improve our communication, when we send you an email we may receive notification when they are opened, provided this possibility is available. It is important to be aware that emails are only sent from the domains: @marketresearchforall.com .


4.1 Personal Data collected and activity records are stored in a secure and controlled environment for a minimum period as in the table below:

Registration data
5 years after the end of the business relationshipArt. 12 and 34 of the Consumer Defense Code
Digital identification data
6 monthsArt. 15, Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for Internet
Other data
As long as the relationship lasts and there is no request for deletion or revocation of consentArt. 9, Subsection II of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data

4.2 Longer storage times. For purposes of auditing, security, fraud control, credit protection and rights preservation, we may remain with your Data record historic for a longer term in the cases that the law or regulatory standard so establish or for preservation of rights.

4.3 The collected Data will be stored on our servers located in Brazil, as well as in a resource use environment or cloud server (AWS), which may require a transfer and/or processing of this Data outside of Brazil


5.1 Your Basic Rights You can ask our Data Protection Officer to confirm the existence of your Personal Data handling, in addition to its display or correction through our Customer Service Channels.

5.2 Limitation, Opposition and Exclusion of Data. Through the Service Channels, You may also request: General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/18) that guarantees all owners the rights over their personal data.

5.2.1 Confirmation of personal data handling existence- Right to know whether or not the institution processes your personal data.

5.2.2 Access to your personal data – Right to have access to personal data processed by the institution if such processing exists.

5.2.3 Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data – Right to have your data always complete, correct and updated.

5.2.4 Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data in violation of the law – Right to have your personal data anonymized (preventing the identification of an individual through the data), blocking its processing or deleting it.

5.2.5 Portability of personal data to another service provider – Right to have your personal data sent to other institutions upon your request.

5.3 If You revoke your consent impacting fundamental needs to the regular functioning of Our Environments and services, such environments and services may be unavailable to You.

5.4 If You request the deletion of Your Personal Data, it may occur that the Data needs to be kept for a period longer than your request ,pursuant to Article 16 of the General Personal Data Protection Law , to (i) comply with a legal or regulatory obligations, (ii) be studied by a research institution for academic purposes, and (iii) transfer to a third party (respecting the data processing requirements set out in the same Law). In all cases through Personal Data anonymization, as far as possible.

5.5 After the maintenance period and the legal requirement, the Personal Data will be deleted using safe disposal methods or used anonymously for statistical purposes.


6.1 Content Change and Update. You acknowledge our right to change this Policy content at any time, according to the purpose or need, such as for the adequacy and legal compliance of a law provision or standard that has equivalent legal force, and You are responsible for checking it whenever you access Our Environments or use our services.

6.1.1 If this document is updated and requires further consent collection, you will be notified through the contact channels you informed.

6.2 Inapplicability. In the event that any point of this Policy is considered unenforceable by the Data Authority or court, the other conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

6.3 Electronic Communication. You acknowledge that all communication carried out by email (to the addresses provided in your registration), SMS, instant communication applications or any other digital channels, are also valid, effective and sufficient for the disclosure of any matter that relates to the services we provide, to your Data, as well as to the conditions of its provision or to any other subject addressed therein, except only as provided for in this Policy

6.4 Service Channels. In case of any questions regarding the provisions of this Privacy Policy and Data Handling, you may contact us using the following service channels , whose opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, but national holidays:

(i) Online Help Chat: [•];

(ii) Contact Us: [•];

(iii) Call Center: [•]

(iv) Official Social Networks: [•]

(v) Ethics channel

6.5 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. This Policy will be interpreted in accordance with Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, and the authority of your residence will be elected to settle any dispute involving this document, except for specific reservations of personal, territorial or functional competence by the applicable law.

6.5.1 If you are not resident in Brazil, and due to the services offered by the Company only in the national territory, you submit to Brazilian legislation, agreeing, therefore, that if there is a dispute to be resolved, the lawsuit must be proposed in São Paulo Court.

6.6 Public record. This Policy is registered in the [•]the Official Registry Office[•] under the number [•] in [•].

6.7 To the Provider: Providers should follow the general conditions herein mentioned for the submission of proposals:

I. When submitting a proposal, the professional cannot:

A. Offer their services for free;

B. Use unprofessional language or attack another Platform user;

C. Request or accept payment out of the platform;

D. Make any reference related to the payment of commission from the platform to try to defraud the purchase and improperly receive the amounts;

E. Use the messages for a purpose other than sending proposals, answering questions and negotiating values;

F. Include any contact information. Example: Skype, email, phone, website, Gtalk, etc. Failure to do so will incur the penalties due.


7.1 For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions and descriptions should be considered for better understanding:

(i) Data: Any information entered, processed or transmitted through Our Environments.

(ii) Personal Data: Data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

(iii) Anonymization: Use of reasonable technical means available at the time of Handling, whereby data loses the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, with an individual.

(iv) Sensitive Personal Data: personal data on racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political beliefs, trade union or religious organizations membership, philosophical or political nature, data related to physical or mental health, sexual life or orientation, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

(v) Data Protection Officer -DPO: Person appointed by Us to function as a communication channel between the controller, the data subjects and the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD)

(vi) Cloud Computing: a service virtualization technology built from the interconnection of more than one server through a common information network (e.g., the Internet), with the objective of reducing costs and increasing the availability of sustained services.

(vii) Our Environments: Designates the electronic address [•] and its subdomains.

(viii) Access Account: Credential required to use or access Our Environments exclusive features.

(ix) Cookies: Small files sent by Our Environments, saved on your devices, which store preferences and some minor information, in order to customize your browsing according to your profile.

(x) IP: Abbreviation for Internet Protocol. It is an alphanumeric set that identifies USERS' devices on the Internet;

(xi) Logs: Activities records of any users who use Our Environments.

(xii) ID Session: Identification of the user’s session when accessing Our Environments.

(xiii) Uniquely automated decisions: These are decisions that affect a user that have been programmed to work automatically, without the need for human operation, based on personal data automated processing.

(xiv) Handling: Any operation performed with Personal Data, such as those related to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

Market Research For All Platform Usage Policies and Payment Policies

Who we are:

We are an aggregating platform for the entire ecosystem of the research industry, we believe in the potential of human relations and the free market, therefore, we are the meeting point for the needs of those searching for ideal providers. In addition to bringing knowledge, events, forums, courses, job offers and integrating our entire Insighters community in one place.

Our mission is to make all users’ lives easier , reducing bureaucracy and raising the potential of all parties involved in the ecosystem in a safe environment where everyone wins.

1.Site best practices

The tone of the messages should always be polite. Abuse and insults among users will not be tolerated.

Always aiming to protect our users, we inform you that messages must always be cordial and polite. Abuse, insults and the use of profanity among users will not be accepted. Your publications, comments and shares may be promptly “deleted” by our team and incur the penalty imposed by current legislation.

Do not share contact information (email, phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Hangout, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and External links in general)

Sending external links Nothing that makes the customer and/or provider leave the Platform environment. (Behance direct link should not be sent either).

It is also not allowed to request contact information or external link from another party.

2. Site Content

2.1. Under no circumstances post messages, projects or any content on the site related to:

1. Pornography or prohibited content for minors;

2. Violence;

3. Racial intolerance or attack on a particular individual, group or organization;

4. Excessive irreverence;

5. Technological piracy;

6. Casinos or games of chance

7. Drugs or the like;

8. Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms and parts, razors and electroshock pistols);

9. Products that are replicas of others;

10. Malware (viruses, spyware, etc.);

11. Any illegal content that promotes illegal activities or violates the legal rights of others.

3.Policy for publishing projects by Customers :

3.1. If a project violates any Market Research For All policy, it will be removed from the platform. The customer is free to republish the project if the violation is corrected. The most common reasons for excluding projects from the platform are:

1. Violation of Services Terms of another company or entity ;

2. Request that professionals perform unpaid work;

3. Payment offered outside the platform;

4. Violation of any law in Brazil and in the country in which the Contracting Party and Contractor Companies have their Headquarters based in;

5. Personal contact information;

6. Promotion of products and services;

4. Policies for proposals submitted by Providers:

4.1. When submitting a proposal, the professional cannot:

1. Offer services for free;

2. Request or accept payment outside the platform;

3. Refer to the platform commission;

4. Use messages for a purpose other than sending proposals;

5. Include any contact information. Example: Skype, email, phone, website, Gtalk, etc.

4.2. Guide for publishing proposals

4.2.1. As a professional, you should be committed to the following guidelines when submitting a proposal:

1. Submit proposals only for projects that you are able to carry out and meet the deadline set by the customers, helping the customer clarify their needs and fully develop the work scope to obtain the final results of the contract;

2. Specify how payment orders (exchange) will be managed;

3. Specify how the service warranty will be managed;

4. Present an accurate proposal that reflects your understanding of the briefing and the amount of hours/effort you will need to meet the customer's expectations;

5. Submit a new proposal, when necessary, to inform of any change in the delivery date or focus, before the proposal deadline;

6. Do not request unjustifiably low remuneration or submit test proposals. If you need further information about the project before submitting a final proposal, send a message with your questions and specify that you will update your proposal when you receive the necessary information;

7. Do not submit fraudulent proposals;

8. Do not submit proposals without a minimum technical specification of the Services to be provided;

9. Do not offer your services in exchange for a favorable review or for free.

5. Políticas para publicação no perfil do Fornecedor:

5.1. Provider profile cannot contain:

1. Contact information out of the platform;

2. Offers for off-platform payments;

3. Free Service Offers;

4. Service offerings that violate Market Research For All or other company or entity Policies;

5. Any text plagiarized from another professional;

6. Service offers that the profile owner does not have legal or proprietary rights.

6. Sanctions for Policy Violation

6.1. Market Research For All will suspend or exclude the users account who violate any Platform Policy.

1. For violations related to publishing projects, the profile will be excluded from the platform. Violations recurrence will result in account termination.

2. For professional violations, the minimum penalty is a fifteen-day suspension. For more serious violations, such as plagiarism, evading fees, manipulating comments or repeated violations, the professional's account will be subject to immediate termination.

7. Cancellation Policies

7.1. Market Research For All is just a Platform that connects and intermediates customers and providers to seek the best cost-benefit ratio regarding quotation and briefing . Any and all project cancellation relationship, for whatever reason (Some possibilities of project cancellations: Non-compliance with the project deadline; Unjustified delay; Promise of delivery without fulfilling the obligation to Do; Provider noncompliance with the object of the Contract and delivery of the agreed result; Provider does not have the technical qualification mentioned in the Contract and Does not deliver the Purpose; Customer cancels the project, and may incur a termination penalty and payment for services already performed and delivered by the Provider), which will be made between Contracting Party and Contractor.

Market Research For All disclaims any and all matters that the Contracting Party and Contractor may have during the project course . Being total and absolute responsibility between the parties involved.

8. Fees, Taxes and Plans

All rates, taxes and plans in effect on the Market Research For All platform are subject to change and may alter their values without prior notice, and there may be dynamic variation based on factors such as country, among others. The user is solely responsible for verifying and accepting or not the rates, fees and plans he may apply in any transaction.

8.1. Credit Deposit on the Market Research For All Platform

The User will deposit the credit to buy projects or services through which it is most appropriate, such as: Credit or debit cards, bank deposit, Pix, local payment , or even, in Bitcoin transfer. All fees, by type of deposit, will be updated at the time of purchase and they will be subject to change and may alter their values without notice.

8.2. Credit Freeze

When a quotation is approved, the budget (FIAT Currency or Bitcoin) referring to that project will be frozen and cannot be used for any other purpose, except for payment at the end of the project delivery.

8.3 Provider Payment

The transfer of Credit to the Provider's account will be immediate upon the approval and release of the amount by the Client. The bank release of FIAT or Bitcoin currency for deposit in the Provider's destination account may take up to 5(five) working days. If the Customer has paid by credit card and the project is valid for less than the receipt date from the card issuer to the Market Research For All account, we will wait for this amount to be deposited to the platform and, only then, we will release the bank deposit amount to the destination account with the same deadlines highlighted above, up to 5 working days. If there is a purchase cancellation by the customer who paid by credit card and then canceled it, a practice known as chargeback, we completely exempt ourselves from any expenses to be paid to the provider (we will not be responsible for this payment). Since we only mediate contacts between the parties and not the payment nature of users.

8.4 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

All items of these Terms are governed by the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. For all matters related to the interpretation, compliance or any other questions regarding these Terms, the parties agree to submit to São Paulo Court.

You declare that you have read and agreed to all clauses and provisions of Privacy , Payments, Use and Cancellations Policies of this Platform.

Brazil: Rua Francisco Cruz, 515, São Paulo
USA: 35-38, Queens, New York City

2022 - Todos os direitos reservados